Argumen perempuan tidak dapat memenangkan
Ketika ia datang untuk memerangi dan tidak setuju dengan laki-laki, perempuan sering membuat kesalahan yang kritis berakhir sampai menyebabkan mereka merasa sakit dan kesepian. Selama percakapan rutin ada perselisihan antara wanita dan suaminya / pacar.
Dijalankan dalam cara yang logis kompeten berbicara dengan dua orang dewasa hanya berbicara tentang masalah atau perselisihan. Kemudian di beberapa titik dalam diskusi yang mendapat wanita itu melukai perasaan dan merespon dalam cara yang emosional. Tiba-tiba seluruh dinamis dari percakapan telah berubah dan orang merasa ia telah betrayed. Sedangkan diskusi adalah logis dan faktual, saya merasa serupa dari pertemuan bisnis di mana setiap orang memiliki satu-satunya tujuan untuk menemukan jawaban atas masalah. Tidak ada satu akan berani menyisipkan perasaan mereka ke dalam diskusi tersebut karena takut mereka akan dilihat telah lemah dan kanannya. Di dunia bisnis, Pelaksanaan tugas adalah tujuan utama, tidak membuat semua orang merasa baik.
Ini adalah bagaimana seorang laki-laki dilihat diskusi yang logis dan faktual. Dia percaya bahwa jika gagasan itu sangat baik maka ia harus dapat membuktikan itu. "Dia ingin membuktikan dia jalur jadi saya akan membuktikan tambang. Mei terbaik manusia menang," adalah bagaimana dia berfikir dan tidak memiliki gagasan bahwa dia hanya ingin didengarkan / dipahami. Ketika perempuan menyisipkan perasaan mereka menjadi sebuah diskusi yang telah menjadi kompetitif, itu membuat orang merasa seolah-olah mereka sedang disalahkan untuk menjadi logis yang menyebabkan mereka ke dalam bereaksi marah. Laki-laki berkata kepada dirinya, "Dia meminta saya untuk membuktikan jalur saya dan saya lakukan ketika dia mendapat perasaan dia terluka!" Dia telah buta sisi oleh satu hal yang membuat dia merasa berdaya, seorang wanita kesakitan.
Orang merasa ditipu oleh hanya untuk bertindak kuat tarik perasaan kartu ketika dia mulai longgar argumen sehingga sekarang ia merasa berhak untuk menghukum dia. Benar-benar adalah cara yang paling laki-laki yang berpikir dalam skenario.
Jika Anda adalah seorang wanita, praktis aturan ketika mendiskusikan topik adalah bahwa jika Anda ingin perdebatan, membuktikan atau bersaing dengan pasangan Anda kemudian peran yang tinggal di sepanjang diskusi. Jika Anda ingin dipahami atau nurtured, lalu berhubungan dengan dia dengan berbagi bagaimana Anda merasa tentang subjek. Jangan beralih untuk menjadi lunak, dan rasa rentan perempuan setelah anda sendiri logis. Semua yang akan lakukan adalah dia tidak mendorong untuk membicarakan hal dengan Anda di masa depan. Dia akan takut Anda berkurang perasaan yang bom.
Sebagian besar waktu saya sarankan Anda memulai halus dengan berbicara kepadanya tentang bagaimana Anda merasa tentang masalah sehingga ia dapat mengenali perasaan yang akan Anda sinyal kepadanya bahwa Anda tidak berusaha menjadi kompetitif. Pada kesempatan anda perlu lakukan untuk membuktikan jalur Anda, Anda pegang tanah tergantung cara Anda merasa. Ingat tidak masalah karena banyak cara yang Anda berhubungan dengan dia, yang paling penting Anda lakukan adalah dapat tidak untuk menggabungkan dua. :)
Rabu, 22 Oktober 2008
The namesake of the series, Inuyasha is an angsty half demon. The product of a union between his human mother Izayoi and his Demon Lord father Inutaisho*, his father is killed while he is resurrecting and rescuing Izayoi and infant Inuyasha from Setsunano Takemaru. There's very little canon information available that I've seen about Inuyasha's childhood other than the nebulous description of it being "Unpleasant" and that he was shunned by both demons and humans alike. There are apparently portions of the manga that show him and Sesshoumaru growing up together and getting along well, but I haven't seen them. Probably because I haven't read the manga ;;(^o^);;. Anyway, I'll make a trip to the comic shop and fix that soon and let you know what I find.
Fast forward to a grown up Inuyasha. Embittered with the way life's treating him, Inuyasha decides he'll do whatever it takes to become a full-fledged demon. His search for the Shikon Jewel puts him in the path of Kikyo, who rather than kill him, disables him by pinning him to a tree with her arrows. She continues to kill demons that come to the area looking for the Shikon Jewels and Inuyasha hangs around the area and hides in the shrubbery. Kikyo kept talking to him even though he was concealed and eventually they would come to have longer conversations, and later fall in love.
Eventually they decided to use the Shikon Jewel to make Inuyasha fully human and since the jewel would be gone, Kikyo would no longer have to guard it and she'd be free to live with Inuyasha. Having talked it over the two agreed to meet the next day and Kikyo would bring the jewel for Inuyasha.
Unfortunately, a crippled bandit named Onigumo who Kikyo had been caring for was lusted after her and wanted to corrupt her and the jewel. He made a deal with a bunch of demons to give them his body to devour in exchange for a new body with which to corrupt Kikyo and the Jewel. The demons ate his old body and formed themselves into a new one for him. The result was the demon Naraku.
Naraku changed his shape to take the form of Inuyasha and attacked Kikyo. Mortally wounding her, he taunted her by saying it was all an act to get the Shikon Jewel and that he never loved he. He took the Jewel from her and returned it to the shrine before starting the second part of his plan. That taken care of, he then attacked Inuyasha while in the form of Kikyo. Angered, Inuyasha went to the shrine and took the jewel. While he was escaping, the real Kikyo found him and pinned him to a tree with an arrow just before she died.
He stayed pinned to the tree for fifty years, unconscious. Kagome revives him in the first episode to save her from Lady Centipede. After Lady Centipede's defeat the then turns on Kagome to get the Shikon Jewel, but is put under control by a magic rosary that Kaede put around his neck. Whenever Inuyasha acted up, all Kagome has to do is tell him to sit and it plants him face-first onto the ground.
Fast forward to a grown up Inuyasha. Embittered with the way life's treating him, Inuyasha decides he'll do whatever it takes to become a full-fledged demon. His search for the Shikon Jewel puts him in the path of Kikyo, who rather than kill him, disables him by pinning him to a tree with her arrows. She continues to kill demons that come to the area looking for the Shikon Jewels and Inuyasha hangs around the area and hides in the shrubbery. Kikyo kept talking to him even though he was concealed and eventually they would come to have longer conversations, and later fall in love.
Eventually they decided to use the Shikon Jewel to make Inuyasha fully human and since the jewel would be gone, Kikyo would no longer have to guard it and she'd be free to live with Inuyasha. Having talked it over the two agreed to meet the next day and Kikyo would bring the jewel for Inuyasha.
Unfortunately, a crippled bandit named Onigumo who Kikyo had been caring for was lusted after her and wanted to corrupt her and the jewel. He made a deal with a bunch of demons to give them his body to devour in exchange for a new body with which to corrupt Kikyo and the Jewel. The demons ate his old body and formed themselves into a new one for him. The result was the demon Naraku.
Naraku changed his shape to take the form of Inuyasha and attacked Kikyo. Mortally wounding her, he taunted her by saying it was all an act to get the Shikon Jewel and that he never loved he. He took the Jewel from her and returned it to the shrine before starting the second part of his plan. That taken care of, he then attacked Inuyasha while in the form of Kikyo. Angered, Inuyasha went to the shrine and took the jewel. While he was escaping, the real Kikyo found him and pinned him to a tree with an arrow just before she died.
He stayed pinned to the tree for fifty years, unconscious. Kagome revives him in the first episode to save her from Lady Centipede. After Lady Centipede's defeat the then turns on Kagome to get the Shikon Jewel, but is put under control by a magic rosary that Kaede put around his neck. Whenever Inuyasha acted up, all Kagome has to do is tell him to sit and it plants him face-first onto the ground.
Kagome Higurashi is a 15 year old student from modern day Japan and the reincarnation of the priestess Kikyo. She lives on the grounds of her family's shrine with her grandfather, mother, little brother, and her cat Buyo. There are also two important landmarks at the shrine which are common to both the present day and the Sengoku period in which most of her adventures take place. The first is the Sacred Tree, which is the same tree Inuyasha was pinned to by Kikyo. The second is The Bone Eater's Well, which Kagome uses to travel back and forth through time.
Kagome is smart, headstrong, and courageous. She is very protective of her traveling companions, and even though not an episode goes by where she doesn't plant him on the ground with a "Sit!", she's especially fond of Inuyasha. In fact, even though he tries to kill her in the first episode, the two quickly develop strong, though dysfunctional feelings for each other.
Kagome starts the series as an average Junior High student heading off to school. She happens across her brother standing at the old wellhouse calling for their cat. Her brother was afraid to go into the creepy old wellhouse, so Kagome went in for him. She quickly encountered the cat Buyo, but moments later the demon Lady Centipede burst though the well cover and drug Kagome into the well. In a moment of panic, Kagome instinctively uses the power of the Shikon Jewel embedded in her to blast of a couple of Lady Centipede's arms and repel her.
That problem solved, Kagome climbs out of the Bone Eater's well to discover that her surroundings have completely changed. She explores a bit and finds an Unconscious Inuyasha pinned to the Sacred Tree, but is soon captured by the local villagers. They at first believe she's a demon, but after questioning, Kiyo's younger sister Kaede takes her in.
During the night, Lady Centipede attacks the village intent on getting Kagome. In order to lure her away from the village Kagome takes off running for the forest. Her cries for help awaken Inuyasha who tries to pull out the arrow that's keeping him trapped, but it's got some sort of magic on it that prevents him from touching it. At first Inuyasha mistakes her for Kikyo, but a few sniffs and angry words late he realizes Kagome is not Kikyo.
About this time Lady Centipede catches up to her and grabs Kagome. Kagome blasts Lady Centipede again and something in the side of her torso starts to glow. Lady Centipede attacks Kagome again, this time sending her flying through the air with a wound in her side. While she's flying through the air the Shikon Jewel comes out of the wound, falls to the ground, and lands next to Kagome. Inuyasha yells for the Shikon Jewel, but Lady Centipede pins Kagome to the Sacred Tree along with Inuyasha with her coils. Using her long tongue, Lady Centipede grabs the Shikon Jewel and swallows it. All her limbs return to her and she transforms into a much, much more powerful demon.
Inuyasha quickly convinces Kagome to free him by pulling the arrow out in order to save them both. Inuyasha quickly destroys her since it's his series and it wouldn't make much sense if they all died in the first episode. Kaede asks her if she can see the glowing Shikon Jewel in the remains of Lady Centipede. She does, they extract it, and the flesh melts away from the chunks of Lady Centipede.
Kagome is smart, headstrong, and courageous. She is very protective of her traveling companions, and even though not an episode goes by where she doesn't plant him on the ground with a "Sit!", she's especially fond of Inuyasha. In fact, even though he tries to kill her in the first episode, the two quickly develop strong, though dysfunctional feelings for each other.
Kagome starts the series as an average Junior High student heading off to school. She happens across her brother standing at the old wellhouse calling for their cat. Her brother was afraid to go into the creepy old wellhouse, so Kagome went in for him. She quickly encountered the cat Buyo, but moments later the demon Lady Centipede burst though the well cover and drug Kagome into the well. In a moment of panic, Kagome instinctively uses the power of the Shikon Jewel embedded in her to blast of a couple of Lady Centipede's arms and repel her.
That problem solved, Kagome climbs out of the Bone Eater's well to discover that her surroundings have completely changed. She explores a bit and finds an Unconscious Inuyasha pinned to the Sacred Tree, but is soon captured by the local villagers. They at first believe she's a demon, but after questioning, Kiyo's younger sister Kaede takes her in.
During the night, Lady Centipede attacks the village intent on getting Kagome. In order to lure her away from the village Kagome takes off running for the forest. Her cries for help awaken Inuyasha who tries to pull out the arrow that's keeping him trapped, but it's got some sort of magic on it that prevents him from touching it. At first Inuyasha mistakes her for Kikyo, but a few sniffs and angry words late he realizes Kagome is not Kikyo.
About this time Lady Centipede catches up to her and grabs Kagome. Kagome blasts Lady Centipede again and something in the side of her torso starts to glow. Lady Centipede attacks Kagome again, this time sending her flying through the air with a wound in her side. While she's flying through the air the Shikon Jewel comes out of the wound, falls to the ground, and lands next to Kagome. Inuyasha yells for the Shikon Jewel, but Lady Centipede pins Kagome to the Sacred Tree along with Inuyasha with her coils. Using her long tongue, Lady Centipede grabs the Shikon Jewel and swallows it. All her limbs return to her and she transforms into a much, much more powerful demon.
Inuyasha quickly convinces Kagome to free him by pulling the arrow out in order to save them both. Inuyasha quickly destroys her since it's his series and it wouldn't make much sense if they all died in the first episode. Kaede asks her if she can see the glowing Shikon Jewel in the remains of Lady Centipede. She does, they extract it, and the flesh melts away from the chunks of Lady Centipede.
Inuyasha - Every Heart lyric
Ikutsu namida o nagashitara
EVERY HEART sunao ni nareru darou
Dare ni omoi o tsutaetara
EVERY HEART kokoro mitasareru no darou
Nagai nagai yoru ni obieteita
Tooi hoshini inotteta
*Meguru meguru toki no naka de
Bokutachi wa ai o sagashiteiru
Tsuyoku tsuyoku naritai kara
Kyou mo takaisora miageteiru
Donna egao ni deaetara
EVERY HEART yume ni fumidasereruyo
Hitowa kanashimi no mukou ni
EVERY HEART shiawase ukabete nemuru
Itsuka itsuka subete no tamashii ga
Yasuraka ni nareru youni
**Meguru meguru toki no naka de
bokutachi wa ikite nanika wo shiru
toki ni warai shugoshi naite
kyou mo mata aruki tsuzukete yuku
osanai kioku no katasumi ni
atataka na basho ga aru SO SWEEET
hoshitachi ga hanasu mirai wa
itsumo kagayaite ita SO SHINE
EVERY HEART sunao ni nareru darou
Dare ni omoi o tsutaetara
EVERY HEART kokoro mitasareru no darou
Nagai nagai yoru ni obieteita
Tooi hoshini inotteta
*Meguru meguru toki no naka de
Bokutachi wa ai o sagashiteiru
Tsuyoku tsuyoku naritai kara
Kyou mo takaisora miageteiru
Donna egao ni deaetara
EVERY HEART yume ni fumidasereruyo
Hitowa kanashimi no mukou ni
EVERY HEART shiawase ukabete nemuru
Itsuka itsuka subete no tamashii ga
Yasuraka ni nareru youni
**Meguru meguru toki no naka de
bokutachi wa ikite nanika wo shiru
toki ni warai shugoshi naite
kyou mo mata aruki tsuzukete yuku
osanai kioku no katasumi ni
atataka na basho ga aru SO SWEEET
hoshitachi ga hanasu mirai wa
itsumo kagayaite ita SO SHINE
Inuyasha - My Will lyric
sotto mezameru
hakanai omoi zutto
donna toki demo negau yo
anata ni todoku you ni to...
(I wait for myself and face the day but I held the hope to re-choose something,
I care life, and about the steps cause' my ways looked easy to go)
"ato sukoshi" to yuu kyori ga fumidasenakute
itsumo me no mae wa tozasarete-ita no
aitai aenai hibi wo kasaneru tabi ni
tsuyoi tokimeki wa setsunasa ni naru yo
(No, even I do belive when I see you, having to take my time,
spent some days alone, thinking by myself will be over, so soon.)
moshimo eien to yuu mono ga aru nara
toomawari shite demo shinjite mitai
"bukiyou dakara KIZUtsuku koto mo aru" to
wakatte mo tomaranai mou dare ni mo makenai
anata no koto wo omou
sore dake de namida ga
ima afuredashite kuru yo
hakanai omoi zutto
donna toki demo negau yo
anata ni todoku you ni to...
(I think of you
and that alone is enough
to make the tears start to flow now
I always, always wish
that these fleeting thoughts
would reach you...)
tsuyogaru koto dake shiri-sugite-ita watashi
dakedo ano toki kara mayoi wa kieta yo
(I've known all too well about pretending to be strong.
But since then, my doubts have vanished.)
misetai to omou mono ga kitto atte
kikasetai kotoba mo takusan aru
egao nakigao mo zenbu mite hoshikute
matte-iru watashi wa yamete
"CHANSU" wo tsukamu yo
(There's definitely things I want to show you
And so many words I want to hear
I want to see all sides of you, when you laugh and cry
So I'll stop waiting and seize my "chance.")
anata no koto wo omou
sore dake de kokoro ga
tsuyoku nareru ki ga suru yo
hakanai omoi zutto
donna toki demo negau yo
anata ni todoku you ni to...
(I think of you,
and I feel like that alone is enough
to make my heart grow stronger.
I always, always wish
that these fleeting thoughts
would reach you...)
anata no koto wo omou
sore dake de namida ga
ima afuredashite kuru yo
tookute koe ga todokanai dakedo itsuka wa
kanarazu todoku you ni
shinjite la la la la la la...
shinjite la la la la la la...
shinjite la la la la la la...
(I think of you
and that alone is enough
to make the tears start to flow now
My distant voice can't reach you now, but so that someday
it definitely will...
Believe. la la la la la la...
Believe. la la la la la la...
Believe. la la la la la la...)
hakanai omoi zutto
donna toki demo negau yo
anata ni todoku you ni to...
(I wait for myself and face the day but I held the hope to re-choose something,
I care life, and about the steps cause' my ways looked easy to go)
"ato sukoshi" to yuu kyori ga fumidasenakute
itsumo me no mae wa tozasarete-ita no
aitai aenai hibi wo kasaneru tabi ni
tsuyoi tokimeki wa setsunasa ni naru yo
(No, even I do belive when I see you, having to take my time,
spent some days alone, thinking by myself will be over, so soon.)
moshimo eien to yuu mono ga aru nara
toomawari shite demo shinjite mitai
"bukiyou dakara KIZUtsuku koto mo aru" to
wakatte mo tomaranai mou dare ni mo makenai
anata no koto wo omou
sore dake de namida ga
ima afuredashite kuru yo
hakanai omoi zutto
donna toki demo negau yo
anata ni todoku you ni to...
(I think of you
and that alone is enough
to make the tears start to flow now
I always, always wish
that these fleeting thoughts
would reach you...)
tsuyogaru koto dake shiri-sugite-ita watashi
dakedo ano toki kara mayoi wa kieta yo
(I've known all too well about pretending to be strong.
But since then, my doubts have vanished.)
misetai to omou mono ga kitto atte
kikasetai kotoba mo takusan aru
egao nakigao mo zenbu mite hoshikute
matte-iru watashi wa yamete
"CHANSU" wo tsukamu yo
(There's definitely things I want to show you
And so many words I want to hear
I want to see all sides of you, when you laugh and cry
So I'll stop waiting and seize my "chance.")
anata no koto wo omou
sore dake de kokoro ga
tsuyoku nareru ki ga suru yo
hakanai omoi zutto
donna toki demo negau yo
anata ni todoku you ni to...
(I think of you,
and I feel like that alone is enough
to make my heart grow stronger.
I always, always wish
that these fleeting thoughts
would reach you...)
anata no koto wo omou
sore dake de namida ga
ima afuredashite kuru yo
tookute koe ga todokanai dakedo itsuka wa
kanarazu todoku you ni
shinjite la la la la la la...
shinjite la la la la la la...
shinjite la la la la la la...
(I think of you
and that alone is enough
to make the tears start to flow now
My distant voice can't reach you now, but so that someday
it definitely will...
Believe. la la la la la la...
Believe. la la la la la la...
Believe. la la la la la la...)
Selasa, 23 September 2008
New Classic LyricsDrew Seeley & Selena Gomez -
Oh Oh
Oh Yeah
Ever Try To Reach For Something
But Its Someone Else's Dream
Every Step That You Take Forward
It Takes You Right Back Where You Been
And Then When You Least Expect It
And You Tried About Everything
Somebody Hears Your Opinions
Somebody Cares What You See
You Woke Me Up
No Longer Tired
With You I Feel Inspired
You Help Me Find My Fire
You're The New Classic
You're The New PYT
Stands For Pay Young
Taking On The World From The Driver's Seat
You Look So Classic
When You're On That Floor
Bring The Beat Back Once More
Let Me See You Do That
Oh Trying To Do It Right
No Rehearsals
It's Your Life
If Your Doing This Crazy Dance
Cause Your Making These Crazy Friends
It's Just This Is Not a Test
You Put In Work To Be The Best (ohhh)
(ohhh) It's A Classic Take
On A Brand New Game
Before The Needle Drops
They're Gonna Know Your Name
When It Gets Old Don't Lose The Light
You're Cold I'll Warm You Up
(You Up) Your Fire Is Hot Enough (enough) Enough (enough)
You're The New Classic
You're The New PYT
Stands For Pay Young And
Trying Everything Just To Touch Your Dreams
You Look So Classic Fantastic
When You're On That Floor
Bring The Beat Back Once More (bring it back) (once more)
Let Me See You Do That
It's Become So Hard
For Me To Be Surprised
You're Bringing Back The Real Me
No Judgment In Your Eyes
Cause When I Dance With You
It's How I Speak The Truth
Just Classic When Me Met
Now You Make Me New
You're The New Classic
You're The New PYT
Cause You're Pay Young And
Taking On The World From The Drivers Seat
You Look So Classic
When You On That Floor
Bring The Beat Back Once More (bring the beat back once more)
You're The New Classic
You're The New PYT
Cause You're Pay Young And
Taking On The World From The Driver's Seat
You Look So Classic
When You're On That Floor
Bring The Beat Back Once More
(bring it back) (bring it back)
Let Me See You Do That
Your The New Classic
Your The New PYT
Cause Your Pay Young
Isn't Take A Chance To Believe In Me
You're The New Classic
When You're On That Floor (when you're on that floor)
Bring The Beat Back Once More (bring it back once more)
Let Me See You Do That
Oh Oh
Oh Yeah
Ever Try To Reach For Something
But Its Someone Else's Dream
Every Step That You Take Forward
It Takes You Right Back Where You Been
And Then When You Least Expect It
And You Tried About Everything
Somebody Hears Your Opinions
Somebody Cares What You See
You Woke Me Up
No Longer Tired
With You I Feel Inspired
You Help Me Find My Fire
You're The New Classic
You're The New PYT
Stands For Pay Young
Taking On The World From The Driver's Seat
You Look So Classic
When You're On That Floor
Bring The Beat Back Once More
Let Me See You Do That
Oh Trying To Do It Right
No Rehearsals
It's Your Life
If Your Doing This Crazy Dance
Cause Your Making These Crazy Friends
It's Just This Is Not a Test
You Put In Work To Be The Best (ohhh)
(ohhh) It's A Classic Take
On A Brand New Game
Before The Needle Drops
They're Gonna Know Your Name
When It Gets Old Don't Lose The Light
You're Cold I'll Warm You Up
(You Up) Your Fire Is Hot Enough (enough) Enough (enough)
You're The New Classic
You're The New PYT
Stands For Pay Young And
Trying Everything Just To Touch Your Dreams
You Look So Classic Fantastic
When You're On That Floor
Bring The Beat Back Once More (bring it back) (once more)
Let Me See You Do That
It's Become So Hard
For Me To Be Surprised
You're Bringing Back The Real Me
No Judgment In Your Eyes
Cause When I Dance With You
It's How I Speak The Truth
Just Classic When Me Met
Now You Make Me New
You're The New Classic
You're The New PYT
Cause You're Pay Young And
Taking On The World From The Drivers Seat
You Look So Classic
When You On That Floor
Bring The Beat Back Once More (bring the beat back once more)
You're The New Classic
You're The New PYT
Cause You're Pay Young And
Taking On The World From The Driver's Seat
You Look So Classic
When You're On That Floor
Bring The Beat Back Once More
(bring it back) (bring it back)
Let Me See You Do That
Your The New Classic
Your The New PYT
Cause Your Pay Young
Isn't Take A Chance To Believe In Me
You're The New Classic
When You're On That Floor (when you're on that floor)
Bring The Beat Back Once More (bring it back once more)
Let Me See You Do That
Sabtu, 13 September 2008
Hari ini kudendangkan
Lagu yang ingin kunyanyikan
Terkenang semua kenangan
Yang tlah kualami
Ingin kubuka lembar baru
Untuk meneruskan hidupku
Tak mau lagi kesedihan
Selimuti diriku
Semua orang ingin bahagia
Menjalani hidup di dunia ini
Ingin kubukakan jawaban
Misteri dan senang yang sejati
Hari ini kudendangkan
Lagu yang ingin kunyanyikan
Terkenang semua kenangan
Yang tlah kualami
Berlari dan terus bernyanyi
mengikuti irama sang mentari
tertawa dan selalu ceria
berikan ku arti hidup ini
Berlari dan terus bernyanyi
mengikuti irama sang mentari
tertawa dan selalu ceria
berikan ku arti hidup ini
Berlari dan terus bernyanyi
mengikuti irama sang mentari
tertawa dan selalu ceria
berikan ku arti hidup in
Lagu yang ingin kunyanyikan
Terkenang semua kenangan
Yang tlah kualami
Ingin kubuka lembar baru
Untuk meneruskan hidupku
Tak mau lagi kesedihan
Selimuti diriku
Semua orang ingin bahagia
Menjalani hidup di dunia ini
Ingin kubukakan jawaban
Misteri dan senang yang sejati
Hari ini kudendangkan
Lagu yang ingin kunyanyikan
Terkenang semua kenangan
Yang tlah kualami
Berlari dan terus bernyanyi
mengikuti irama sang mentari
tertawa dan selalu ceria
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Jumat, 12 September 2008
Drew Seeley - New Music lyrics
Artist: Drew Seeley lyrics
Album: Drew Seeley
Year: 2007
Title: New Music
Lyrics to New Music :
You come from a different world
But one I'd like to get to know
But all the things I want you to see
Are not the things that tell you to show
This thing could be so easy
I don't know why I make it hard
Maybe you will understand me
With some help from my guitar
You're like new music to me
And I just wanna learn you in every key
You're like the perfect melody
And I just wanna learn you in every key
I come from a different world
But one you don't quite understand
But what you sees not always what you get
Don't wanna fight
Who I am, what I am
I'm a man but I'm scared of you
Cause I never met a girl so real
Such a good kind of frear that you're making me feel
When music makes me feel
You're like new music to me
And I just wanna learn you in every key
You're like the perfect melody
And I just wanna learn you in every key
(Thanks to Nicolas for these lyrics)
[ New Music Lyrics on ]
Album: Drew Seeley
Year: 2007
Title: New Music
Lyrics to New Music :
You come from a different world
But one I'd like to get to know
But all the things I want you to see
Are not the things that tell you to show
This thing could be so easy
I don't know why I make it hard
Maybe you will understand me
With some help from my guitar
You're like new music to me
And I just wanna learn you in every key
You're like the perfect melody
And I just wanna learn you in every key
I come from a different world
But one you don't quite understand
But what you sees not always what you get
Don't wanna fight
Who I am, what I am
I'm a man but I'm scared of you
Cause I never met a girl so real
Such a good kind of frear that you're making me feel
When music makes me feel
You're like new music to me
And I just wanna learn you in every key
You're like the perfect melody
And I just wanna learn you in every key
(Thanks to Nicolas for these lyrics)
[ New Music Lyrics on ]
Senin, 11 Agustus 2008
J-Rock Pakai Batik
Grup band J-Rock merasa bangga bisa manggung di A Mild Live Soundrenaline. J-Rock sangat tampil beda dengan kebiasaan penampilan dan kostum yang dikenakan pada saat manggung dengan bergaya Rock n Roll. Penampilan J-Rock kali ini dengan menggunakan kostum ala Yogyakarta, yakni pakaian batik.
"Ini baru pertama kali kita manggung pakai baju batik," ujar Anton, Drummer J-Rock saat jumpa pers usai pentas, Minggu (10/8).
Soal konsep tersebut J-Rock memang menyesuaikan dengan lokasi diadakannya Soundrenaline, berhubung di Prambanan Yogyakarta mereka sengaja untuk mengenakan pakaian batik. J-Rock memang memiliki fashion stylist tersendiri untuk merancang penampilan mereka saat akan tampil di sebuah even besar. Rancangan batik yang J-Rock kenakan dirancang oleh Olive, seorang desainer asal Jakarta.
"Desainnya menyesuaikan dengan keinginan kita, kita mau baju batik dengan style anak SMA, dan ternyata setelah jadi kok keren juga," papar Anton.
Selain pakaian batik, J-Rock juga mengusung unsur-unsur yang berkaitan dengan budaya Jawa. Saat mulai manggung, ditampilkan sepeda, abdi dalem, dan juga nuansa Kraton. "Kita tahu, Jogja kota kebudayaan makanya kita ingin mengangkat Jogja dengan segala yang ada," tambah Anton.
Bagi J-Rock batik memang sangat berkesan. Batik bukan sekedar pakaian untuk tradisi saja dan dipakai oleh orang tua, melainkan bisa dijadikan tren fashion. "Nyaman juga pakai batik saat manggung. Ternyata batik sangat fleksibel sekali, bukan cuma buat kondangan saja, manggung pun bisa," kata Iman sang vokalis.
J-Rock melalui wartawan yang hadir, juga menyampaikan pesan-pesannya terhadap anak muda sekarang, bahwa kita boleh saja terinspirasi dari bangsa lain, tapi jangan sampai lupa dengan bangsa sendiri. "Anak muda harus peduli dengan musik dan budaya Indonesia. Jangan tidak peduli dengan bangsa sendiri dan sibuk dengan budaya luar saja," kata Sony sang Gitaris.
J-Rock juga berpesan agar kawula muda mau memberikan support kepada band-band lokal. "Sebab dengan support kalian, band-band bisa maju dan berkembang," tambah Iman. (kpl/tia)
"Ini baru pertama kali kita manggung pakai baju batik," ujar Anton, Drummer J-Rock saat jumpa pers usai pentas, Minggu (10/8).
Soal konsep tersebut J-Rock memang menyesuaikan dengan lokasi diadakannya Soundrenaline, berhubung di Prambanan Yogyakarta mereka sengaja untuk mengenakan pakaian batik. J-Rock memang memiliki fashion stylist tersendiri untuk merancang penampilan mereka saat akan tampil di sebuah even besar. Rancangan batik yang J-Rock kenakan dirancang oleh Olive, seorang desainer asal Jakarta.
"Desainnya menyesuaikan dengan keinginan kita, kita mau baju batik dengan style anak SMA, dan ternyata setelah jadi kok keren juga," papar Anton.
Selain pakaian batik, J-Rock juga mengusung unsur-unsur yang berkaitan dengan budaya Jawa. Saat mulai manggung, ditampilkan sepeda, abdi dalem, dan juga nuansa Kraton. "Kita tahu, Jogja kota kebudayaan makanya kita ingin mengangkat Jogja dengan segala yang ada," tambah Anton.
Bagi J-Rock batik memang sangat berkesan. Batik bukan sekedar pakaian untuk tradisi saja dan dipakai oleh orang tua, melainkan bisa dijadikan tren fashion. "Nyaman juga pakai batik saat manggung. Ternyata batik sangat fleksibel sekali, bukan cuma buat kondangan saja, manggung pun bisa," kata Iman sang vokalis.
J-Rock melalui wartawan yang hadir, juga menyampaikan pesan-pesannya terhadap anak muda sekarang, bahwa kita boleh saja terinspirasi dari bangsa lain, tapi jangan sampai lupa dengan bangsa sendiri. "Anak muda harus peduli dengan musik dan budaya Indonesia. Jangan tidak peduli dengan bangsa sendiri dan sibuk dengan budaya luar saja," kata Sony sang Gitaris.
J-Rock juga berpesan agar kawula muda mau memberikan support kepada band-band lokal. "Sebab dengan support kalian, band-band bisa maju dan berkembang," tambah Iman. (kpl/tia)
Selasa, 22 Juli 2008
Korean superstar Rain has been featured in U.S. business and financial news magazine Forbes once again. The singer and actor was featured earlier this week on as one of ten celebrities representing major cell phone brands from across the globe.
Rain is the face of Samsung phones in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan and was chosen as Samsung’s “Olympic Brand Ambassador” for the upcoming Summer Games in Beijing because he is viewed as “Korea’s answer to Justin Timberlake.”
Other celebrities on the list include tennis star Maria Sharapova and singer Usher for Sony Ericsson, Hong Kong star Andy Lau for LG’s Shine phone, and soccer’s David Beckham for the Motorola RAZR2.
Rain is the face of Samsung phones in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan and was chosen as Samsung’s “Olympic Brand Ambassador” for the upcoming Summer Games in Beijing because he is viewed as “Korea’s answer to Justin Timberlake.”
Other celebrities on the list include tennis star Maria Sharapova and singer Usher for Sony Ericsson, Hong Kong star Andy Lau for LG’s Shine phone, and soccer’s David Beckham for the Motorola RAZR2.
Joo Ji Hoon Rilis Buku Foto
Belum lama ini Joo Ji Hoon (aktor Princess Hours) melakukan pemotretan di Pulau Bali dan Paris. Foto-foto hasil pemotretan itu akan dirilis dalam buku yang berjudul Landmark pada 19 Oktober ini.
Aktor yang juga bermain dalam serial The Devil ini selalu tampil cool. Kali ini ia menunjukkan sisi aslinya di depan kamera. Buku foto ini memuat foto-foto yang dibuatnya sendiri dan foto semasa kecil. (Sumber: Asian Plus).
Aktor yang juga bermain dalam serial The Devil ini selalu tampil cool. Kali ini ia menunjukkan sisi aslinya di depan kamera. Buku foto ini memuat foto-foto yang dibuatnya sendiri dan foto semasa kecil. (Sumber: Asian Plus).
mengapa Rain(jung ji hyun) disukai bayak orang
Mengapa Rain begitu “digila-digilai” oleh banyak orang? Tidak hanya di Korea, tetapi juga Asia, bahkan Amerika dan Eropa?
Menurut saya ada beberapa alasan menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, di antaranya :
* Namanya lebih mudah diingat dan dilafalkan, tidak seperti aktor Korea lainnya, yang mana kita harus berjuang mengingat namanya.
* Meski matanya sipit, Rain mempunyai postur yang tegap dan tinggi —bahkan ini telah menjadi ciri khasnya sejak duduk di SD, ia selalu menjadi setidaknya paling tinggi nomor 4 di kelasnya, meski sewaktu SD ia tidak mempunyai prestasi dan sangat pendiam.
* Rain memiliki bakat menyanyi yang istimewa, meski ia menempanya dengan latihan bertahun-tahun. Ini dibuktikannya dengan lahirnya album Korea Rain: Bad Guy (13/5/02), How to Avoid the Sun (16/10/030, It’s Raining (10/10/04), Rain’s World (16/10/06); plus beberapa album dan singel Jepang
* Rain juga mempunyai bakat akting yang luar biasa, ini terbukti dengan banyaknya penghargaan yang dihadiahkan kepadanya. Selain itu Rain juga memikat hati banyak orang lewat penampilannya yang memikat dan pas untuk perannya. Yang susah dilupakan adalah saat dia menjadi aktor Lee Yong Jae dalam serial Full House yang dibintanginya bersama Song Hye Gyo, dan jadi bodyguard di drama serial A Love to Kill bareng Shin Min Ah.
* Yang paling bersentuhan lama dengan dirinya adalah bakat menarinya. Ia mulai menunjukkan bakat tersebut kelas 6 SD, di saat teman-temannya memandang rendah dirinya sebagai anak pendiam, tidak berprestasi, akhirnya mengagumkan banyak orang di saat ia mengajukan diri mewakili kelasnya. Saat itu yang ada dalam benak Rain adalah tampil baik dan ia mulai mengingat-ingat dan menirukan tarian yang pernah dilihatnya di TV dan jalanan. Bakat itu pula yang membuat masa remajanya suram, karena ia begitu tergila-gila dengan dance, sehingga bolos sekolah dan bergaul dengan para seniornya, hingga ia jarang pulang, yang lebih menyedihkan nilai rata-ratanya waktu ulangan pertama di SMP hanya 4,5 saja. Selain itu ia juga tidak sempat memperhatikan kondisi kesehatan mamanya, hingga mamanya meninggal karena komplikasi diabetes dan penyakit lainnya.
* Untunglah Rain tetap memegang teguh janjinya kepada papanya, meski bergaul dengan anak-naka nakal untuk bisa belajar menari, dia tidak pernah merokok dan berbuat hal-hal buruk.
Ada yang lain gak ya? Menurut kamu, gimana? Apa daya tarik Rain?
Nama Ngetop: Rain Bi Nama asli: Jeong Ji-hoon Julukan: Collie Pup Tempat/tanggal lahi: Seoul, 25 Juni 1982 Debut: 28 April 2002 Tinggi/ berat: 184 cm/ 75 kg Golongan darah: O Hobi: Nonton film, dengar musik, koleksi sepatu Warna favorit: Hitam, putih Aktor favorit: Charlie Chaplin, Han Suk Kyu Artis favorit: Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Usher Lagu favorit: R&B, hip-hop, funk Olah raga favorit: Basket, renang.
Menurut saya ada beberapa alasan menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, di antaranya :
* Namanya lebih mudah diingat dan dilafalkan, tidak seperti aktor Korea lainnya, yang mana kita harus berjuang mengingat namanya.
* Meski matanya sipit, Rain mempunyai postur yang tegap dan tinggi —bahkan ini telah menjadi ciri khasnya sejak duduk di SD, ia selalu menjadi setidaknya paling tinggi nomor 4 di kelasnya, meski sewaktu SD ia tidak mempunyai prestasi dan sangat pendiam.
* Rain memiliki bakat menyanyi yang istimewa, meski ia menempanya dengan latihan bertahun-tahun. Ini dibuktikannya dengan lahirnya album Korea Rain: Bad Guy (13/5/02), How to Avoid the Sun (16/10/030, It’s Raining (10/10/04), Rain’s World (16/10/06); plus beberapa album dan singel Jepang
* Rain juga mempunyai bakat akting yang luar biasa, ini terbukti dengan banyaknya penghargaan yang dihadiahkan kepadanya. Selain itu Rain juga memikat hati banyak orang lewat penampilannya yang memikat dan pas untuk perannya. Yang susah dilupakan adalah saat dia menjadi aktor Lee Yong Jae dalam serial Full House yang dibintanginya bersama Song Hye Gyo, dan jadi bodyguard di drama serial A Love to Kill bareng Shin Min Ah.
* Yang paling bersentuhan lama dengan dirinya adalah bakat menarinya. Ia mulai menunjukkan bakat tersebut kelas 6 SD, di saat teman-temannya memandang rendah dirinya sebagai anak pendiam, tidak berprestasi, akhirnya mengagumkan banyak orang di saat ia mengajukan diri mewakili kelasnya. Saat itu yang ada dalam benak Rain adalah tampil baik dan ia mulai mengingat-ingat dan menirukan tarian yang pernah dilihatnya di TV dan jalanan. Bakat itu pula yang membuat masa remajanya suram, karena ia begitu tergila-gila dengan dance, sehingga bolos sekolah dan bergaul dengan para seniornya, hingga ia jarang pulang, yang lebih menyedihkan nilai rata-ratanya waktu ulangan pertama di SMP hanya 4,5 saja. Selain itu ia juga tidak sempat memperhatikan kondisi kesehatan mamanya, hingga mamanya meninggal karena komplikasi diabetes dan penyakit lainnya.
* Untunglah Rain tetap memegang teguh janjinya kepada papanya, meski bergaul dengan anak-naka nakal untuk bisa belajar menari, dia tidak pernah merokok dan berbuat hal-hal buruk.
Ada yang lain gak ya? Menurut kamu, gimana? Apa daya tarik Rain?
Nama Ngetop: Rain Bi Nama asli: Jeong Ji-hoon Julukan: Collie Pup Tempat/tanggal lahi: Seoul, 25 Juni 1982 Debut: 28 April 2002 Tinggi/ berat: 184 cm/ 75 kg Golongan darah: O Hobi: Nonton film, dengar musik, koleksi sepatu Warna favorit: Hitam, putih Aktor favorit: Charlie Chaplin, Han Suk Kyu Artis favorit: Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Usher Lagu favorit: R&B, hip-hop, funk Olah raga favorit: Basket, renang.
Sabtu, 05 Juli 2008
The Singger Of Rain

Singer Rain has been invited to the headquarters of ABC TV in New York.
Rain was recently selected by the U.S. weekly magazine TIME as one of the “100 Most Influential People in the World” (Time 100). He will leave Seoul on the morning of May 7 to attend a “Time 100″ party to be held at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York on May 8 at 8:30 p.m., local time. The trip has garnered attention, as Rain is expected to meet a senior executive of ABC TV, one of the major American TV networks, at the company’s headquarters in New York.
According to a person close to Rain, he will visit the ABC TV headquarters in New York on May 8 at noon before heading for the “Time 100″ red carpet ceremony. He is visiting ABC at the company’s invitation. During his visit, he is expected to have a meeting with a senior executive at ABC to discuss the possibility of his appearing on the TV network.
An official from his agency, JYP Entertainment, has recently said, “Some time ago, we were contacted by an official from ABC TV. The official asked about Rain, his plans, and the possibility of his appearing on ABC TV.”
Under these circumstances, if his meeting with the ABC TV executive results in his appearance on the TV’s nationwide network, it will have a positive effect on enhancing his recognition in the United States. Rain officially declared his plan to advance into the American market in February, when he gave a solo concert at the Madison Square Garden in New York, a first for an Asian singer.
Following his attendance at the “Time 100″ party, Rain will return home on the morning of May 10. Upon arriving, he will head for Busan to act in director Park Chan-wook’s new film “I’m a Cyborg, But That’s Okay,” the first film he has ever acted in. Since late March, Rain has been staying in Busan to shoot the film.
Stormy Weather

Up until recently I missed the stormy weather of the Midwest (as I noted in a post awhile back). Well the past few days Vienna has been making up for that but I must admit I haven't been missing such weather as much this year with all that you people in U.S. have had to deal with. Even the storms we've had in Vienna have been a bit of a pain with Euro 2008 in town (luckily they have left everything standing though). Two nights ago those of you in the U.S. lost the game's TV feed while I watched the storm from our balcony. The company behind our flat was hosting a nice party for their employees and I stood outside and cheered on the storm as it sent a roller-cart full of dirty dishes flying towards a car with two waiters chasing after it (the wind/cart duo won the race). Later it really picked up so I got Kathi to join me for the show that was now being presented free of charge from our living room window. After a few minutes half of the tents set up for the party were ripped out of the ground, sent flying up about 7 stories, then sent crashing into the side of the building (the office not our flat), before finally smashing into the ground (all to near the guests). Luckily no one was hurt and they moved the event inside after the unexpected entertainment, but they were really lucky as the next morning we realized the tents were heavier then they appeared as 5-10 windows had been shattered and a few marble-like side tiles were destroyed. All-in-all a very impressive storm for Austria, but in the future you can keep those on the U.S. side of the Atlantic as I become more and more accustomed to only the occasional rain and small clap of thunder.
Jumat, 04 Juli 2008
Lemon Battery
Creating a battery from a lemon is a common project in many science text books. Successfully creating one of these devices is not easy.
Batteries consist of two different metals suspended in an acidic solution. Copper and Zinc work well as the metals and the citric acid content of a lemon will provide the acidic solution.Batteries like this will not be able to run a motor or energize most light bulbs. It is possible to produce a dim glow from an LED.The picture at the top of this page shows a basic lemon battery, a lemon, copper penny and zinc coated nail.
The lemon : A large, fresh, "juicy" lemon works best.
The nail : Galvanized nails are coated in zinc. I used a 2" galvanized common nail.
The penny : Any copper coin will work. (Canadian pennies from 1960 - 2001 all worked)
Creating the battery: Insert a penny into a cut on one side of the lemon. Push a galvanized nail into the other side of the lemon.
The nail and penny must not touch.
This is a single cell of a battery. The zinc nail and the copper penny are called electrodes. The lemon juice is called electrolyte.
All batteries have a "+" and "-" terminal. Electric current is a flow of atomic particles called electrons. Certain materials , called conductors, allow electrons to flow through them. Most metals (copper, iron) are good conductors of electricity. Electrons will flow from the "-" electrode of a battery, through a conductor, towards the "+" electrode of a battery. Volts (voltage) is a measure of the force moving the electrons. (High voltage is dangerous!)
I have connected a volt meter to our single cell lemon battery. The meter tells us this lemon battery is creating a voltage of 0.906 volts.Unfortunately this battery will not produce enough current (flowing electrons) to light a bulb.
To solve this problem we can combine battery cells to create higher voltages. Building more lemon batteries and connecting them with a metal wire from "+" to "-" adds the voltage from each cell.
The two lemon batteries above, combine to produce a voltage of 1.788 volts. This combination still does not create enough current to light a small bulb. Note the red wire connecting the batteries is joined from "+" (penny) to "-" (galvanized nail).
Four lemon batteries create a voltage of 3.50 volts. We should be able to light up a small device like an LED (Light Emitting Diode).
Note the connecting wires go from "+" to "-" on each battery.
To turn on an LED you must determine the "+" and "-" connections. If you look closely at the red plastic base of an LED you will notice a "flat" spot (indicated by arrow above). The wire that comes out beside the flat spot must connect to the "-" side of a battery, the other wire to the "+" side.
Important information about LEDs: LEDs are designed to work at very low voltages (~ 2V) and low currents. They will be damaged if connected to batteries rated at over 2 volts. LEDs require resistors to control current when used with batteries rated at over 2 volts. Lemon batteries produce low current. It is OK to connect an LED to a lemon battery.
In the above image, electrons flow from the "-" (nail) end of our lemon battery through the LED (making it glow) then back to the "+" (penny) end of the battery. This is an electronic circuit. The LED glows dimly with this configuration.
Improving your battery.
The quality of the copper and zinc can be a problem for a battery like this. Pennies in particular are rarely pure copper.
Try substituting a length of 14 gauge copper wire (common house wire) for the penny. Experiment with different lengths and configurations of electrodes. Other sources of zinc and copper may be found in the plumbing supply department of a hardware store.
The first battery was created in 1799 by Alessandro Volta . Today batteries provide the power for an amazing variety of devices, everything from flashlights to robots, computers, satellites and cars. Inventors and researchers continue to improve the battery, designing batteries that last longer and that are more friendly to our environment.
Understanding how batteries actually work requires a knowledge of chemistry. The most important factor in battery design is the electrical relationship between the two metals used in the battery. Some metals give electrons away while other metals accept extra electrons. Chemists have investigated metals and created an "electric potential" table comparing different metals.
Batteries consist of two different metals suspended in an acidic solution. Copper and Zinc work well as the metals and the citric acid content of a lemon will provide the acidic solution.Batteries like this will not be able to run a motor or energize most light bulbs. It is possible to produce a dim glow from an LED.The picture at the top of this page shows a basic lemon battery, a lemon, copper penny and zinc coated nail.
The lemon : A large, fresh, "juicy" lemon works best.
The nail : Galvanized nails are coated in zinc. I used a 2" galvanized common nail.
The penny : Any copper coin will work. (Canadian pennies from 1960 - 2001 all worked)
Creating the battery: Insert a penny into a cut on one side of the lemon. Push a galvanized nail into the other side of the lemon.
The nail and penny must not touch.
This is a single cell of a battery. The zinc nail and the copper penny are called electrodes. The lemon juice is called electrolyte.
All batteries have a "+" and "-" terminal. Electric current is a flow of atomic particles called electrons. Certain materials , called conductors, allow electrons to flow through them. Most metals (copper, iron) are good conductors of electricity. Electrons will flow from the "-" electrode of a battery, through a conductor, towards the "+" electrode of a battery. Volts (voltage) is a measure of the force moving the electrons. (High voltage is dangerous!)
I have connected a volt meter to our single cell lemon battery. The meter tells us this lemon battery is creating a voltage of 0.906 volts.Unfortunately this battery will not produce enough current (flowing electrons) to light a bulb.
To solve this problem we can combine battery cells to create higher voltages. Building more lemon batteries and connecting them with a metal wire from "+" to "-" adds the voltage from each cell.
The two lemon batteries above, combine to produce a voltage of 1.788 volts. This combination still does not create enough current to light a small bulb. Note the red wire connecting the batteries is joined from "+" (penny) to "-" (galvanized nail).
Four lemon batteries create a voltage of 3.50 volts. We should be able to light up a small device like an LED (Light Emitting Diode).
Note the connecting wires go from "+" to "-" on each battery.
To turn on an LED you must determine the "+" and "-" connections. If you look closely at the red plastic base of an LED you will notice a "flat" spot (indicated by arrow above). The wire that comes out beside the flat spot must connect to the "-" side of a battery, the other wire to the "+" side.
Important information about LEDs: LEDs are designed to work at very low voltages (~ 2V) and low currents. They will be damaged if connected to batteries rated at over 2 volts. LEDs require resistors to control current when used with batteries rated at over 2 volts. Lemon batteries produce low current. It is OK to connect an LED to a lemon battery.
In the above image, electrons flow from the "-" (nail) end of our lemon battery through the LED (making it glow) then back to the "+" (penny) end of the battery. This is an electronic circuit. The LED glows dimly with this configuration.
Improving your battery.
The quality of the copper and zinc can be a problem for a battery like this. Pennies in particular are rarely pure copper.
Try substituting a length of 14 gauge copper wire (common house wire) for the penny. Experiment with different lengths and configurations of electrodes. Other sources of zinc and copper may be found in the plumbing supply department of a hardware store.
The first battery was created in 1799 by Alessandro Volta . Today batteries provide the power for an amazing variety of devices, everything from flashlights to robots, computers, satellites and cars. Inventors and researchers continue to improve the battery, designing batteries that last longer and that are more friendly to our environment.
Understanding how batteries actually work requires a knowledge of chemistry. The most important factor in battery design is the electrical relationship between the two metals used in the battery. Some metals give electrons away while other metals accept extra electrons. Chemists have investigated metals and created an "electric potential" table comparing different metals.
Sabtu, 28 Juni 2008
My teacher
N0 Nama Guru Bidang Keahlian Status
1 Ir. Itasia Dina Sulvianti, M.Si Matematika GTY
2 Iin Mulyani, S.Si Matematika GTY
3 Anih Kuraesin, S.Pd Produktif APK GTT
4 M.Imam Anshori, S.Sos, A. P. Produktif RPL GTY
5 Didik Surya Buana, S.Kh. Produktif TKJ GTY
6 Nurdin KKPI GTY
7 Hapid, S.Ag. Pendidikan Agama Islam GTY
8 Muslih MP Produktif RPL GTY
9 Agus Mulyadin Mengetik GTY
10 Catur Budi Cahyono, A.Ma. Matematika & Fisika GTY
11 Budiyono, S.Pd Bahasa Inggris GTY
12 Asep Afandi, S.E Kewirausahaan GTY
13 Komalasari, S.Pd Bahasa Inggris GTY
14 Irma Rohima, S.Si Matematika GTY
15 Agus Listianto Pendidikan Agama Kristen GTY
16 Ir. Agung Wibawa Produktif RPL GTT
17 Rany Aprilia Safitri, S.Si. Matematika GTT
18 Dina Restuwati, S.Pd. B. Indonesia GTT
19 Hidayatul Mustafid, S.Ag Pendidikan Agama Islam GTT
20 Nunuk Mujiana, S.Pd PKn dan Sejarah GTT
21 Bonni Kurniawan, A.Md.Kom Produktif TKJ GTT
22 Wirlilik Gundoyo IPA, Mulok PLH GTT
23 Ari Yuningsih, S.Pd Produktif APK & Ekonomi GTT
24 Ai Rohanah, A.Ma. Muatan Lokal GTT
25 Chamid Nur, SE Kewirausahaan GTT
26 Heri Setyawan, S.Pd. Pend. Jasmani & Olahraga GTT
27 Edyar Rahayu Malik, S.Pd. Bhs.Indonesia GTT
28 Buyung Ari Nugroho, A. Md. Kom Produktif TKJ GTT
29 Nur Ali, A. Md Kimia GTT
30 Wawan W. Seni & Budaya GTT
31 Fifia Zulti Fisika GTT
32 Heriyanto Syafutra Fisika GTT
N0 Nama Guru Bidang Keahlian Status
1 Ir. Itasia Dina Sulvianti, M.Si Matematika GTY
2 Iin Mulyani, S.Si Matematika GTY
3 Anih Kuraesin, S.Pd Produktif APK GTT
4 M.Imam Anshori, S.Sos, A. P. Produktif RPL GTY
5 Didik Surya Buana, S.Kh. Produktif TKJ GTY
6 Nurdin KKPI GTY
7 Hapid, S.Ag. Pendidikan Agama Islam GTY
8 Muslih MP Produktif RPL GTY
9 Agus Mulyadin Mengetik GTY
10 Catur Budi Cahyono, A.Ma. Matematika & Fisika GTY
11 Budiyono, S.Pd Bahasa Inggris GTY
12 Asep Afandi, S.E Kewirausahaan GTY
13 Komalasari, S.Pd Bahasa Inggris GTY
14 Irma Rohima, S.Si Matematika GTY
15 Agus Listianto Pendidikan Agama Kristen GTY
16 Ir. Agung Wibawa Produktif RPL GTT
17 Rany Aprilia Safitri, S.Si. Matematika GTT
18 Dina Restuwati, S.Pd. B. Indonesia GTT
19 Hidayatul Mustafid, S.Ag Pendidikan Agama Islam GTT
20 Nunuk Mujiana, S.Pd PKn dan Sejarah GTT
21 Bonni Kurniawan, A.Md.Kom Produktif TKJ GTT
22 Wirlilik Gundoyo IPA, Mulok PLH GTT
23 Ari Yuningsih, S.Pd Produktif APK & Ekonomi GTT
24 Ai Rohanah, A.Ma. Muatan Lokal GTT
25 Chamid Nur, SE Kewirausahaan GTT
26 Heri Setyawan, S.Pd. Pend. Jasmani & Olahraga GTT
27 Edyar Rahayu Malik, S.Pd. Bhs.Indonesia GTT
28 Buyung Ari Nugroho, A. Md. Kom Produktif TKJ GTT
29 Nur Ali, A. Md Kimia GTT
30 Wawan W. Seni & Budaya GTT
31 Fifia Zulti Fisika GTT
32 Heriyanto Syafutra Fisika GTT
Case closed
Case Closed (名探偵 コナン, Meitantei Conan?), known as Detective Conan in Japan and most other countries, is a detective manga and anime series written and illustrated by Gosho Aoyama and serialized in Weekly Shōnen Sunday since 1994.
Case Closed follows the adventures of Jimmy Kudo, a young detective inadvertently turned into a prepubescent boy by a secret criminal organization when they force him to take a drug that is supposed to kill him, but backfires.
Case Closed is adapted into an anime series by the animation studio Tokyo Movie Shinsha, directed by Kenji Kodama and Yasuichiro Yamamoto, and airs in Japan on Nippon Television, Yomiuri TV and Animax. The first episode aired on January 8, 1996, with 504 episodes as of May 19, 2008. The series has seen high levels of popularity in both manga and anime formats in Japan since its reception, and has also been adapted into 12 Golden Week movies, with the first released on April 17, 1997, and one movie released each year since. Ten of the movies held a top 10 box office position in the year they were screened. In addition, seven OVAs have been released.
* 1 Plot
* 2 Media
o 2.1 Manga
o 2.2 Anime
o 2.3 TV drama
o 2.4 Movies
* 3 Reception
* 4 References
* 5 External links
[edit] Plot
See also: List of Case Closed characters
17-year-old high school student Jimmy Kudo, while investigating a blackmail case, is attacked by two members of the Black Organization and forced to take a newly-developed drug that is supposed to kill him. However, due to a rare and generally unknown side effect, the drug doesn't kill him, but transforms his body into that of an eight-year-old grade schooler.
In order to hide his identity and investigate the whereabouts of the Black Organization, he adopts the pseudonym Conan Edogawa, moves in with his childhood friend and crush Rachel Moore, and enrolls in elementary school. He continues investigating criminal cases with Rachel and her inept private investigator father, Richard Moore. Jimmy also performs investigations through the Junior Detective League (少年探偵団, Shōnen Tantei-dan?), a group he forms with his friends at the elementary school. As the series progresses, so does the relationship between Jimmy and Rachel.
Later in the series, his investigation into the Black Organization catches him in the crossfire between the members of the Black Organization and the FBI and CIA agents that were sent to investigate the Black Organization.
[edit] Media
[edit] Manga
Main article: List of Case Closed chapters
The manga was first serialized in the fifth issue Shōnen Sunday in 1994. Since then, it has spanned 61 volumes, and continuing. The manga has been highly popular in Japan; the tankoubon has received multiple first places in bestselling lists [1].
Viz Media publishes Detective Conan manga in English as Case Closed for American audiences. The comic uses the original right-to-left format and the English anime names for the main characters while it uses the original Japanese names for the minor characters.
Many references to other detective literature can also be found for fans of detective novels, and also includes a Detective Encyclopedia, where many characters of detective, mystery, and crime literature and film are profiled. In America, currently, there are twenty-three books.
[edit] Anime
Main article: List of Case Closed episodes
The anime version is produced by Tokyo Movie Shinsha and has currently aired 504 television episodes (as of May 19, 2008) and twelve movies (as of April 19, 2008) in Japan, and is still running on Japanese television today. It airs Mondays at 7:30 p.m. on Yomiuri TV Nippon TV, considered the prime slot for anime[2], and is also broadcast in Japan by the anime CS network, Animax, who have also aired the series across its networks in Southeast Asia and East Asia.
In July 2003, FUNimation announced that they licensed Detective Conan for a release in North America, to be released as "Case Closed" due to legal issues concerning the name Conan (Conan the Barbarian, although Conan can be considered a regular name as in Conan O'Brien). In the United Kingdom VIZ's releases are published by Gollancz Manga with the same naming conventions. Because of the long Japanese tv seasons, the show has also been able to air 500 episodes as well[3].
As of August 2007, Detective Conan is airing on Yomiuri TV (producing TV station), NNS TV stations, and TV Miyazaki on Mondays at 7:30 p.m., after Kekkaishi, which is also from the same comic group. While its ratings have declined over the years, it is still one of the highest rated anime on Japanese television.[citation needed]
Cartoon Network began broadcasting Case Closed as part of their Adult Swim programming block on May 24, 2004. Although a family series in Japan, the mature content of the crimes portrayed prevented it from gaining prime time exposure to its proper audience. Only 50 episodes aired in the United States, and in January 2005, Adult Swim announced that it would not purchase additional episodes due to low ratings. They gave back the rights to the series later that year, and it has now debuted on a syndicated FUNimation Channel programming block airing on CoLours TV on June 19, 2006. However, episodes are still being released on DVD. Funimation claims that they will continue dubbing episodes into English. Up to only 80 episodes (83 by English numbering) have been released, with no additional episodes purchased. Funimation has recently announced a new Season Box Set for Case Closed to be in stores on July 22, 2008, and that future releases will most likely be in this manner, due to the exceeding length of this show. [4] [5] [6]
FUNimation's English dub of Case Closed made its Canadian television debut on YTV's Bionix programming block on April 7, 2006 at 10:30 p.m. Beginning on June 2, 2006, Case Closed was still part of the Bionix block, but it had been airing at a later timeslot of 12:00 a.m. The reason for this, however, is likely not so much because of low ratings (as was the case on Adult Swim), but because the station needed to meet their annual Canadian Content quota by airing a certain amount of Canadian programming before 12 a.m., effectively leaving the series out of the main line-up. After broadcasting 21 episodes, YTV has since stopped airing Case Closed, with its final broadcast at 12:00 a.m. on September 2, 2006.
The series was also later dubbed and translated into English by the anime television network Animax for broadcast across its English-language networks in Southeast Asia (including Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines and several other countries in the region)[7][8], with Animax's unedited dub staying true to the original, retaining the original name Detective Conan as well as the original dialogue and each of the character's original Japanese names.[7] Animax, whose founders include the studio behind the production of the anime series, TMS (along with other studios such as Sunrise, Toei and NAS) has also aired the series in its original network in Japan (in Japanese), as well as its other networks worldwide, including Hong Kong and Taiwan (where it was aired in Chinese).
[edit] TV drama
The latest series in the franchise is a live-action TV drama, which premièred in Japan on Nippon Television on October 2, 2006. It served as a prequel of the current storyline, starring Shun Oguri as Shinichi Kudo (Jimmy Kudo), Tomoka Kurokawa as Ran Mouri (Rachel Moore), and Takanori Jinnai as Kogoro Mouri (Richard Moore).[9]
Episode 2 of the live-action TV drama premiered on December 17, 2007, With added characters such as Yu Kashii as Shiho Miyano, Sasaki Kuranosuke as Gin, Tayama Ryosei as Agasa, Fujisaki Nao (Conan) and Shibata Kyoka (Haibara).
[edit] Movies
To meet Wikipedia's quality standards, this article or section may require cleanup because it is in a list format that may be better presented using prose.
You can help by converting this section to prose, if appropriate. Editing help is available. (May 2008)
The tenth movie, Private Eyes' Requiem[10] was announced on December 15, 2005 and was released on April 15, 2006, debuting at the number one position in the Japanese box office[11] and remained there for three consecutive weeks. As of May 28, 2006, it has earned $25.8 million in the Japanese box office.[12]
The twelfth movie, Full Score of Fear[13] was announced on February 20, 2008[14] , and released on April 19, 2008, debuting at the number one position in the Japanese box office.[15] [16] It is unknown how long it remained there for at this time. There have been reports that the advertising for the film was limited, yet normal for a Detective Conan movie.[17] It was reported that (an estimate of) 350,000 people watched the movie in its opening weekend alone.[18] This film is expected to surpass the profits of the previous film released the year before, Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure[citation needed]. As of May 5, 2008 the movie has earned over 420.03 million yen.[19]
FUNimation's English dub of The Time-Bombed Skyscraper was released on DVD on October 3, 2006. Unlike the series, the movie left the original animation entirely intact with no translations except for the opening title and ending credits. The opening title was replaced with an English version. The original Japanese credits were changed from a tour of Tokyo and recap of the movie to an endless loop of fire engines and police cars with their lights from the final scene with the credits displayed over it.
FUNimation's English dub of The Fourteenth Target was released on November 20, 2007. Due to the americanization of the majority of the character's names, many of the explanations for names have been changed to completely random bits of information(For example, instead of Santos' name, Santos says he is one of three children.) The ending of this movie as well was changed to and endless loop of police cars with their lights from the final scene with the credits displayed over it.
Case Closed follows the adventures of Jimmy Kudo, a young detective inadvertently turned into a prepubescent boy by a secret criminal organization when they force him to take a drug that is supposed to kill him, but backfires.
Case Closed is adapted into an anime series by the animation studio Tokyo Movie Shinsha, directed by Kenji Kodama and Yasuichiro Yamamoto, and airs in Japan on Nippon Television, Yomiuri TV and Animax. The first episode aired on January 8, 1996, with 504 episodes as of May 19, 2008. The series has seen high levels of popularity in both manga and anime formats in Japan since its reception, and has also been adapted into 12 Golden Week movies, with the first released on April 17, 1997, and one movie released each year since. Ten of the movies held a top 10 box office position in the year they were screened. In addition, seven OVAs have been released.
* 1 Plot
* 2 Media
o 2.1 Manga
o 2.2 Anime
o 2.3 TV drama
o 2.4 Movies
* 3 Reception
* 4 References
* 5 External links
[edit] Plot
See also: List of Case Closed characters
17-year-old high school student Jimmy Kudo, while investigating a blackmail case, is attacked by two members of the Black Organization and forced to take a newly-developed drug that is supposed to kill him. However, due to a rare and generally unknown side effect, the drug doesn't kill him, but transforms his body into that of an eight-year-old grade schooler.
In order to hide his identity and investigate the whereabouts of the Black Organization, he adopts the pseudonym Conan Edogawa, moves in with his childhood friend and crush Rachel Moore, and enrolls in elementary school. He continues investigating criminal cases with Rachel and her inept private investigator father, Richard Moore. Jimmy also performs investigations through the Junior Detective League (少年探偵団, Shōnen Tantei-dan?), a group he forms with his friends at the elementary school. As the series progresses, so does the relationship between Jimmy and Rachel.
Later in the series, his investigation into the Black Organization catches him in the crossfire between the members of the Black Organization and the FBI and CIA agents that were sent to investigate the Black Organization.
[edit] Media
[edit] Manga
Main article: List of Case Closed chapters
The manga was first serialized in the fifth issue Shōnen Sunday in 1994. Since then, it has spanned 61 volumes, and continuing. The manga has been highly popular in Japan; the tankoubon has received multiple first places in bestselling lists [1].
Viz Media publishes Detective Conan manga in English as Case Closed for American audiences. The comic uses the original right-to-left format and the English anime names for the main characters while it uses the original Japanese names for the minor characters.
Many references to other detective literature can also be found for fans of detective novels, and also includes a Detective Encyclopedia, where many characters of detective, mystery, and crime literature and film are profiled. In America, currently, there are twenty-three books.
[edit] Anime
Main article: List of Case Closed episodes
The anime version is produced by Tokyo Movie Shinsha and has currently aired 504 television episodes (as of May 19, 2008) and twelve movies (as of April 19, 2008) in Japan, and is still running on Japanese television today. It airs Mondays at 7:30 p.m. on Yomiuri TV Nippon TV, considered the prime slot for anime[2], and is also broadcast in Japan by the anime CS network, Animax, who have also aired the series across its networks in Southeast Asia and East Asia.
In July 2003, FUNimation announced that they licensed Detective Conan for a release in North America, to be released as "Case Closed" due to legal issues concerning the name Conan (Conan the Barbarian, although Conan can be considered a regular name as in Conan O'Brien). In the United Kingdom VIZ's releases are published by Gollancz Manga with the same naming conventions. Because of the long Japanese tv seasons, the show has also been able to air 500 episodes as well[3].
As of August 2007, Detective Conan is airing on Yomiuri TV (producing TV station), NNS TV stations, and TV Miyazaki on Mondays at 7:30 p.m., after Kekkaishi, which is also from the same comic group. While its ratings have declined over the years, it is still one of the highest rated anime on Japanese television.[citation needed]
Cartoon Network began broadcasting Case Closed as part of their Adult Swim programming block on May 24, 2004. Although a family series in Japan, the mature content of the crimes portrayed prevented it from gaining prime time exposure to its proper audience. Only 50 episodes aired in the United States, and in January 2005, Adult Swim announced that it would not purchase additional episodes due to low ratings. They gave back the rights to the series later that year, and it has now debuted on a syndicated FUNimation Channel programming block airing on CoLours TV on June 19, 2006. However, episodes are still being released on DVD. Funimation claims that they will continue dubbing episodes into English. Up to only 80 episodes (83 by English numbering) have been released, with no additional episodes purchased. Funimation has recently announced a new Season Box Set for Case Closed to be in stores on July 22, 2008, and that future releases will most likely be in this manner, due to the exceeding length of this show. [4] [5] [6]
FUNimation's English dub of Case Closed made its Canadian television debut on YTV's Bionix programming block on April 7, 2006 at 10:30 p.m. Beginning on June 2, 2006, Case Closed was still part of the Bionix block, but it had been airing at a later timeslot of 12:00 a.m. The reason for this, however, is likely not so much because of low ratings (as was the case on Adult Swim), but because the station needed to meet their annual Canadian Content quota by airing a certain amount of Canadian programming before 12 a.m., effectively leaving the series out of the main line-up. After broadcasting 21 episodes, YTV has since stopped airing Case Closed, with its final broadcast at 12:00 a.m. on September 2, 2006.
The series was also later dubbed and translated into English by the anime television network Animax for broadcast across its English-language networks in Southeast Asia (including Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines and several other countries in the region)[7][8], with Animax's unedited dub staying true to the original, retaining the original name Detective Conan as well as the original dialogue and each of the character's original Japanese names.[7] Animax, whose founders include the studio behind the production of the anime series, TMS (along with other studios such as Sunrise, Toei and NAS) has also aired the series in its original network in Japan (in Japanese), as well as its other networks worldwide, including Hong Kong and Taiwan (where it was aired in Chinese).
[edit] TV drama
The latest series in the franchise is a live-action TV drama, which premièred in Japan on Nippon Television on October 2, 2006. It served as a prequel of the current storyline, starring Shun Oguri as Shinichi Kudo (Jimmy Kudo), Tomoka Kurokawa as Ran Mouri (Rachel Moore), and Takanori Jinnai as Kogoro Mouri (Richard Moore).[9]
Episode 2 of the live-action TV drama premiered on December 17, 2007, With added characters such as Yu Kashii as Shiho Miyano, Sasaki Kuranosuke as Gin, Tayama Ryosei as Agasa, Fujisaki Nao (Conan) and Shibata Kyoka (Haibara).
[edit] Movies
To meet Wikipedia's quality standards, this article or section may require cleanup because it is in a list format that may be better presented using prose.
You can help by converting this section to prose, if appropriate. Editing help is available. (May 2008)
The tenth movie, Private Eyes' Requiem[10] was announced on December 15, 2005 and was released on April 15, 2006, debuting at the number one position in the Japanese box office[11] and remained there for three consecutive weeks. As of May 28, 2006, it has earned $25.8 million in the Japanese box office.[12]
The twelfth movie, Full Score of Fear[13] was announced on February 20, 2008[14] , and released on April 19, 2008, debuting at the number one position in the Japanese box office.[15] [16] It is unknown how long it remained there for at this time. There have been reports that the advertising for the film was limited, yet normal for a Detective Conan movie.[17] It was reported that (an estimate of) 350,000 people watched the movie in its opening weekend alone.[18] This film is expected to surpass the profits of the previous film released the year before, Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure[citation needed]. As of May 5, 2008 the movie has earned over 420.03 million yen.[19]
FUNimation's English dub of The Time-Bombed Skyscraper was released on DVD on October 3, 2006. Unlike the series, the movie left the original animation entirely intact with no translations except for the opening title and ending credits. The opening title was replaced with an English version. The original Japanese credits were changed from a tour of Tokyo and recap of the movie to an endless loop of fire engines and police cars with their lights from the final scene with the credits displayed over it.
FUNimation's English dub of The Fourteenth Target was released on November 20, 2007. Due to the americanization of the majority of the character's names, many of the explanations for names have been changed to completely random bits of information(For example, instead of Santos' name, Santos says he is one of three children.) The ending of this movie as well was changed to and endless loop of police cars with their lights from the final scene with the credits displayed over it.
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sejarah internet
Sejarah Internet
Sejarah Internet
Dari Wikipedia Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas berbahasa Indonesia.
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Pada awalnya Internet merupakan jaringan komputer yang dibentuk oleh Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat di tahun 1969, melalui proyek ARPA yang disebut ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Network), di mana mereka mendemonstrasikan bagaimana dengan hardware dan software komputer yang berbasis UNIX, kita bisa melakukan komunikasi dalam jarak yang tidak terhingga melalui saluran telepon. Proyek ARPANET merancang bentuk jaringan, kehandalan, seberapa besar informasi dapat dipindahkan, dan akhirnya semua standar yang mereka tentukan menjadi cikal bakal pembangunan protokol baru yang sekarang dikenal sebagai TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol).
Tujuan awal dibangunnya proyek itu adalah untuk keperluan militer. Pada saat itu Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat (US Department of Defense) membuat sistem jaringan komputer yang tersebar dengan menghubungkan komputer di daerah-daerah vital untuk mengatasi masalah bila terjadi serangan nuklir dan untuk menghindari terjadinya informasi terpusat, yang apabila terjadi perang dapat mudah dihancurkan.
Pada mulanya ARPANET hanya menghubungkan 3 situs saja yaitu Stanford Research Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, University of Utah, di mana mereka membentuk satu jaringan terpadu di tahun 1969, dan secara umum ARPANET diperkenalkan pada bulan Oktober 1972. Tidak lama kemudian proyek ini berkembang pesat di seluruh daerah, dan semua universitas di negara tersebut ingin bergabung, sehingga membuat ARPANET kesulitan untuk mengaturnya.
Oleh sebab itu ARPANET dipecah manjadi dua, yaitu "MILNET" untuk keperluan militer dan "ARPANET" baru yang lebih kecil untuk keperluan non-militer seperti, universitas-universitas. Gabungan kedua jaringan akhirnya dikenal dengan nama DARPA Internet, yang kemudian disederhanakan menjadi Internet.
[sunting] Daftar kejadian penting
Tahun Kejadian
1957 Uni Sovyet (sekarang Rusia) meluncurkan wahana luar angkasa, Sputnik.
1958 Sebagai buntut dari "kekalahan" Amerika Serikat dalam meluncurkan wahana luar angkasa, dibentuklah sebuah badan di dalam Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat, Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), yang bertujuan agar Amerika Serikat mampu meningkatkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi negara tersebut. Salah satu sasarannya adalah teknologi komputer.
1962 J.C.R. Licklider menulis sebuah tulisan mengenai sebuah visi di mana komputer-komputer dapat saling dihubungkan antara satu dengan lainnya secara global agar setiap komputer tersebut mampu menawarkan akses terhadap program dan juga data. Di tahun ini juga RAND Corporation memulai riset terhadap ide ini (jaringan komputer terdistribusi), yang ditujukan untuk tujuan militer.
Awal 1960-an Teori mengenai packet-switching dapat diimplementasikan dalam dunia nyata.
Pertengahan 1960-an ARPA mengembangkan ARPANET untuk mempromosikan "Cooperative Networking of Time-sharing Computers", dengan hanya empat buah host komputer yang dapat dihubungkan hingga tahun 1969, yakni Stanford Research Institute, University of California, Los Angeles, University of California, Santa Barbara, dan University of Utah.
1965 Istilah "Hypertext" dikeluarkan oleh Ted Nelson.
1968 Jaringan Tymnet dibuat.
1971 Anggota jaringan ARPANET bertambah menjadi 23 buah node komputer, yang terdiri atas komputer-komputer untuk riset milik pemerintah Amerika Serikat dan universitas.
1972 Sebuah kelompok kerja yang disebut dengan International Network Working Group (INWG) dibuat untuk meningkatkan teknologi jaringan komputer dan juga membuat standar-standar untuk jaringan komputer, termasuk di antaranya adalah Internet. Pembicara pertama dari organisasi ini adalah Vint Cerf, yang kemudian disebut sebagai "Bapak Internet"
1972-1974 Beberapa layanan basis data komersial seperti Dialog, SDC Orbit, Lexis, The New York Times DataBank, dan lainnya, mendaftarkan dirinya ke ARPANET melalui jaringan dial-up.
1973 ARPANET ke luar Amerika Serikat: pada tahun ini, anggota ARPANET bertambah lagi dengan masuknya beberapa universitas di luar Amerika Serikat yakni University College of London dari Inggris dan Royal Radar Establishment di Norwegia.
1974 Vint Cerf dan Bob Kahn mempublikasikan spesifikasi detail protokol Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) dalam artikel "A Protocol for Packet Network Interconnection".
1974 Bolt, Beranet & Newman (BBN), perusahaan kontraktor untuk ARPANET, membuka sebuah versi komersial dari ARPANET yang mereka sebut sebagai Telenet, yang merupakan layanan paket data publik pertama.
1977 Sudah ada 111 buah komputer yang telah terhubung ke ARPANET.
1978 Protokol TCP dipecah menjadi dua bagian, yakni Transmission Control Protocol dan Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
1979 Grup diskusi Usenet pertama dibuat oleh Tom Truscott, Jim Ellis dan Steve Bellovin, alumni dari Duke University dan University of North Carolina Amerika Serikat. Setelah itu, penggunaan Usenet pun meningkat secara drastis.
Di tahun ini pula, emoticon diusulkan oleh Kevin McKenzie.
Awal 1980-an Komputer pribadi (PC) mewabah, dan menjadi bagian dari banyak hidup manusia.
Tahun ini tercatat ARPANET telah memiliki anggota hingga 213 host yang terhubung.
Layanan BITNET (Because It's Time Network) dimulai, dengan menyediakan layanan e-mail, mailing list, dan juga File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
CSNET (Computer Science Network) pun dibangun pada tahun ini oleh para ilmuwan dan pakar pada bidang ilmu komputer dari Purdue University, University of Washington, RAND Corporation, dan BBN, dengan dukungan dari National Science Foundation (NSF). Jaringan ini menyediakan layanan e-mail dan beberapa layanan lainnya kepada para ilmuwan tersebut tanpa harus mengakses ARPANET.
1982 Istilah "Internet" pertama kali digunakan, dan TCP/IP diadopsi sebagai protokol universal untuk jaringan tersebut.
Name server mulai dikembangkan, sehingga mengizinkan para pengguna agar dapat terhubung kepada sebuah host tanpa harus mengetahui jalur pasti menuju host tersebut.
Tahun ini tercatat ada lebih dari 1000 buah host yang tergabung ke Internet.
kang Ta
Peyanyi Korea Selatan, Kangta menggelar konser bertajuk "Eternity" di auditorium Yonsei University Seoul pada hari Minggu (30/03/08). Ini mungkin jadi konser terakhir bagi penyanyi berusia 29 tahun ini selama dua tahun mendatang. Pasalnya, Kangta akan mulai mengikuti wajib militer mulai hari ini (01/04/08). Dan konser ini bisa disebut sebagai salam perpisahan pada para penggemarnya.
2008-04-01 15:45:00
Apa jadinya kalau dua bintang tenar dari negara berbeda bersatu dan membuat album bareng? Seperti itulah yang dilakukan Kangta dari Korea dan Vanness Wu dari Taiwan. Kedua bintang muda ini membuat album bareng bertajuk SCANDAL dan sedianya akan menggelar konser pada 22 dan 23 September depan.
2006-09-19 13:12:00
Penyanyi pop asal Korea Selatan Kang Ta dan penyanyi asal Taiwan Vanness Wu akan bergabung sebagai host dalam perilisan album pertama mereka. Acara tersebut diselenggarakan pada hari Rabu (09/05) di Universitas Yonsei, Seol.
Sabtu, 07 Juni 2008

Berita Kwon Sang Woo:
Jika Anda penggemar Korean Wave sudah pasti tahu si ganteng Kwon Sang Woo. Bintang Korea ini baru saja merilis film layar lebarnya. Kwon didapuk bareng Song Seung-heon di film bertajuk FATE. Kwon memerankan karakter yang jauh beda dalam film layar lebar ini. Di sini ia digambarkan sebagai sosok yang suka mengucapkan sumpah serapah, keji, dan jahat.
2008-03-26 14:17:00
Bintang HALLYU Kwon Sang-woo melontarkan kritik pedas pada media Jepang dengan menyebut telah meremehkan selebriti Korea Selatan. Agen Kwon mengatakan pada Minggu (08/10) kalau harian olahraga Jepang Tokyo Sports mempublikasikan cerita negatif lain tentang aktor ini pada 3 Oktober lalu, mengatakan Kwon baru-baru ini terlihat mabuk setelah menghadiri sebuah pesta.
2006-10-10 16:15:00
Setelah sukses di STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN tahun 2004, pamor Kwon Sang Woo makin bersinar, bahkan ia baru-baru ini mendapat gelaran aktor Korea bertubuh paling seksi.
2005-08-24 16:45:00
Menyambut ulang tahun Kwon Sang Woo yang jatuh pada tanggal 5 Agustus, sebuah acara khusus merayakan hari jadinya siap digelar. Rencananya, acara tersebut bakal digelar pada tanggal 4 Agustus 2005 di hall Seoul Olympic Park.
2005-07-29 11:53:00
Dalam pembukaan salah satu department store terkemuka di Korea, kemunculan Kwon Sang Woo yang datang sebagai undangan menarik perhatian media. Tak kurang dari 40 reporter yang berasal dari Jepang, Hong Kong, dan Thailand langsung mengerubunginya.
2005-07-12 08:54:00
Kehadiran aktor Korea selalu ditunggu oleh negara manapun di Asia, hal tersebut tidak pelak disebabkan oleh 'demam' Korean Wave. Hal tersebut juga terjadi pada Kwon Sang-Woo, yang tanggal 25 April 2005 silam mendapat undangan khusus ke Jepang.
2005-04-27 10:32:00
Di serial Korea, sudah menjadi pemandangan yang lumrah bila pemeran utama prianya kerap tampil dengan meneteskan air mata. Hal ini dapat dilihat di sejumlah serial populer mulai dari Endless Love sampai yang terakhir Stairway to Heaven.
2005-03-18 08:30:00
Demam Stairway to Heaven (sering juga disebut Stairs of Heaven) nampaknya mulai merambat sampai ke RRC. Ini terbukti ketika dua bintang utamanya Kwon Sang Woo dan Choi Ji Woo diundang secara bersamaan untuk sebuah acara peragaan busana di RRC beberapa waktu lalu.
2004-05-12 16:11:00
Selain dinilai sebagai simbol seks baru Korea lewat perannya di Stairs of Heaven, ternyata aktor Kwon Sang Woo juga handal dalam film bertema bela diri. Setelah tampil awal tahun 2004 lewat The Spirit of Jet Kune Do, pria berusia 28 tahun tersebut meneruskan aksi berantemnya ke sebuah serial.
2004-03-04 13:36:00
Siapakah Kwon Sang Woo? Tidak salah lagi, dia adalah salah satu aktor yang namanya kini sedang hangat menjadi pembicaraan di Korea. Hal ini dipicu oleh kesuksesan My Tutor Friend, sebuah film layar lebar bertema komedi yang melejitkan namanya pada tahun 2003 silam.
2004-02-24 14:15:00
Selasa, 04 Maret 2008
Berita tentang penyanyi berbakat Rain
Penyanyi/aktor kondang Korea, Rain mungkin akan ikut gabung untuk menyanyikan theme song Olimpiade Beijing tahun ini. Baru-baru ini Rain menerima tawaran dari panitia Olimpiade dan meninjaunya dengan positif.
Penyanyi ganteng ini pernah diminta untuk tampil di acara pembukaan Doha Asian Games tahun 2006 lalu, namun ia terpaksa menolak tawaran tersebut lantaran jadwal padatnya.
Rain baru saja menyelesaikan syuting film barunya, SPEED RACER yang akan rilis bulan Mei ini. Film ini merupakan debut Rain di panggung Hollywood. Mantan personel boy band GOD, Park Jun Hyeong juga tampil di film ini. (kbs/erl)
hai......hai......... kalian suka ga film animasi ? gw nak TI jika kalian punya berita tentang TI bagi-bagi donk pengalaman kalian.oke
Jumat, 08 Februari 2008
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